Disney shirt with a feathered creature aside, the puzzle in the background is a serious piece of work. 500 pieces of various colored warblers, sparrows, buntings, robins, wrens, woodpeckers, cardinals, blackbirds, nuthatches, flycatchers, etc, etc etc.
It's a humbling experience to look back and see where I came from to where I've gone. What are some of your pre-birding birding memories, and/or stories?
Ironically I still have that puzzle in a box in storage somewhere!
It's a humbling experience to look back and see where I came from to where I've gone. What are some of your pre-birding birding memories, and/or stories?
Ironically I still have that puzzle in a box in storage somewhere!
Labels: birders, commentary
What happened to that childhood innocence? I've been reverting back lately, reading all my old comic books.
@Jerry: Haha, it's all gone--I blame the "old guard" of Utah birding for that!
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