Have you ever seen the "yellow variant" or "orange variant" of the House Finch? Some people call it Yellow, others call it Orange...either way, they are pretty uncommon. I have seen a few, but many birders I know have yet to see one. The only one I photographed was last winter (above), and I was pretty excited to do so. For some reason, I have always wanted to get a decent photo of this odd-colored House Finch. Anyway, not much to say, just something I've been meaning to share in case anyone wants to save the photo in their files.
I had one visit my house about 4 months ago. It was really exciting! Great photo.
Thanks Kiirsi.
Glad you had one at your house, wonder if it will come back
Growing up we used to get one every once in a while at my parents house in Salt Lake. I haven't seen one in a few years now, but a couple years ago I photographed one that was in between--that is having a mostly pink pattern with some orange streaks and entire feathers:
Orange Spots on the Forehead
Orange Streaks on the Head
It's always fun to see variations within species. Great photo by the way!
Thanks Tim, nice to see your pics
I just saw one in front of my house in Logan
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