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a blog by and for Utah Birders

Opportunistic Hawks

posted by Jerry Liguori at
on Tuesday, January 14, 2014 

Of course, vultures and Bald Eagles scavenge dead stuff, but did you know that all raptors do this from time to time. I have seen almost every raptor do this, or steal dead prey from another raptor, it's part of survival!

I have seen Golden Eagles feeding on deer carcasses, buteos feeding on roadkill, Ospreys eating clams (which technically may have been alive), and even falcons taking advantage of a food source that wasn't alive. Raptors even feed on food that you normally wouldn't associate them with, especially if they are hungry! I caught an adult Red-tail and a juvenile Golden Eagle on a salmon carcass we had laid out as bait for Bald Eagles during a telemetry project along the Skagit River in northwest Washington. My friend, Christian Nunes has images of Red-tails (including a Harlan's) eating a carcass he captured on a remote camera. All birds are opportunistic, like most animals on earth. Here are some pics of a Bald Eagle and Harriers eating dead fish, a Harrier eating a duck it scavenged, and a Turkey Vulture eating a grebe washed up on a beach in CA (gross).

 Bald Eagle

 Northern Harrier

 Northern Harrier

 Northern Harrier

 Turkey Vulture

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