Labels: fledglings, id challenge, identification
Utah Birds, Utah Birding, and Utah Birders. Promoting the sharing of information, and the conservation of habitat for birds in Utah and elsewhere. We are a group of people who want to share what we know, and create a positive birding experience in Utah.
a blog by and for Utah Birders
Labels: fledglings, id challenge, identification
I'll bite Jerry, I'm going to go with Horned Lark on the left and Vesper Sparrow on the right. Although it could be a young Junco on the right, the eye-ring would be odd.
Judging by Tim's list, I have zero confidence in my guesses! My guess is that the bird on the left is some kind of chicken (Bobwhite?), while I thought the bird on the right a meadowlark!
I didn't realize until Greg said it, but the Horned Lark on the left does look like a quail / bobwhite chick with that speckled head and back. The bird on the right is a Vesper Sparrow. Tim, your a bird genius.
I'm going to do a hawk quiz down the road.
@Jerry: hardly a genius--idiot savant... maybe. The Vesper Sparrow showed those tail feathers pretty predominantly. That along with the lateral throat stripe and eye-ring were good signs. I have a few quiz shots I will throw up here eventually. I'd say a monthly quiz may be something the blog needs.
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