Yes the bird is a Broad-winged Hawk....but is it an adult? Here are two juveniles on May 18th photographed by my friend Michael Shupe, they seem to have adult-like characters? However, this is not from adult feathers that have come in (too early in spring for all these body feathers to be adult), its just that some juveniles appear adult-like and can even have adult-like tails.
Just want to make these things aware...("click" on photo to enlarge)
Labels: id challenge, identification, raptors
Regardless of these juveniles above....the original quiz bird #3 is an adult Broad-winged Hawk.
Great job to those who replied!!
Jerry: Thanks for posting these quizzes! It's great to get us looking closer at raptors!
Glad you like them....your trip looks amazing, great photos!
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