The hawk Migration is in full swing at the moment. Lots of Sharp-shinned Hawks, Cooper's Hawks, Harriers, Kestrels, and Red-tailed Hawks moving south along the Wasatch. If you get a free moment to hike along the foothills....look up. Lots of Flickers migrating as well -- they typically coincide with the Cooper's Hawks. Yellow-rumped Warblers are in good numbers too. Also saw a hummingbird today.
Goshawks, Swainson's Hawks, Broad-winged Hawks, Ferruginous Hawks, Rough-legged Hawks, Golden Eagles, Bald Eagles, Turkey Vultures, and the other falcons can be seen on any given day.
Took this photo of a Sharp-shinned Hawk about half way up to Grandeur Peak yesterday ("click" to enlarge).
Outstanding photo Jerry! Love the angle and topside shots are always cool . . .
Raptor migration here in northeastern Illinois has been average but we have a good solid cold front coming in later this week. Should see a lot of Sharp-shinned Hawks and Merlin!
Great as always, Jerry!
Thanks for the compliments...hope to get out this week for hawks
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