Take a look at the enlarged version ("click" to enlarge). Is it something about the plumage? Something else entirely, what could it be? This bird was photographed today (10-31-11) along the Wasatch foothills in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Any responses are welcome.
Labels: identification, raptors
I'm stumped, please share!
It's a red-tailed hawk. They're all interesting.
Hah....you kill me Keith! That is definitely true...that's one of my lines.
That wasn't what I was alluding to, but I love the comment, and thanks for responding.
I was happy that I could at least identify it as a red-tailed hawk :-) So I compared your incredible photo to other photos (many of yours, actually) and I have no idea what makes this hawk uniquely interesting.
I'm with Nancy and Tim. I've compared photos to see if there was something different, but my untrained eye has not yet seen what you must be after. Regardless, it is a very nice in-flight photo!
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