The bird on the right was photographed in Utah the other day...any guesses? I saw 3 out at Farmington Bay that day.
Labels: id challenge, identification, raptors
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Labels: id challenge, identification, raptors
With the photo on the right, what are we looking at in those plants? Was this down on the ground? What kind of habitat are we talking...
Looks like something disappearing into the reeds on the ground...
The actual field marks for this part of this bird aren't really illustrated in ANY field guides. It may be worth checking some pictures online by searching for species you think it may be.
Great Quiz Jerry.
For the mystery bird, I'm guessing Sora or Virginia Rail, leaning more towards Sora.
As for the Harrier... no black wing tips, buff and lightly streaked chest, flight feathers not particularly dark. I would say adult female. Even though the belly is not heavily streaked, I would assume the bird would be more rufous if it were a juvenile.
All conjecture and regurgitation of learned information, so I am anxious and excited to hear the consensus on these birds.
Thanks for the challenge Jerry.
Yes, it does look like reeds on the ground...if so, I'm with Bryce, but I'm going to lean more towards Virginia Rail.
My guesses are 2nd winter female harrier and virginia rail
Yes, an adult female Harrier, and a Virginia Rail.
Although, the Harrier is impossible to age other than simply "adult"....often it is possible to tell adult females in their first adult plumage, but not this one. Hope this helps, and it is a very lightly marked one which I thought could be a tad tricky.
Good test Jerry, did you ever get a clear look at any of those rails?
Yes, the rails were walking around for nice views in and out of the phrags
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