Note the rest of the birds shown have varying bellybands and apparent patagials until you see the 2 birds on the bottom right, which are typical dark-morphs. One being rufous-chested, the other solid dark. The term rufous-morph, or "intermediate-morph", is used to describe birds that are dark underneath with slightly paler rufous chests, but these birds are often difficult to tell from solid dark birds in the field. However, would you qualify some of the other birds in this collage as rufous-morphs? I wouldn't argue.
Where do you draw the line? I tend to call birds that are nearly completely dark underneath with solid bellybands and masked patagials "dark-morphs", and birds with streaked bellies "rufousy light-morphs", or "rufous-toned light-morphs"...if you take the term "rufous-morph" out of the equation. Confused? Regardless, there are just a bunch of birds out there that can't truly be categorized to morph.....or race in certain cases (that is for the next blog entry, and more interesting to me). Anyway, I don't get too caught up in trying to pin a label on every Red-tail, it can drive you crazy...or crazier in my case.
Labels: identification, plumage, raptors
Great post. Acquired a copy of your book "Hawks at a Distance" and I expect it to be an invaluable identification aide in the years ahead.
Thank you Jay Bird -- that is great to hear, hope you like the book and glad you like my posts. More raptor posts to come. And if you search my name in the archives, the other raptor posts should show up if interested.
Red-tailed Hawks! Great post. As you know, I am extremely interested in RT races and morphs. I actually photographed a "rufous/intermediate" morph last week. Well, that is what I called it at the time. It was a nice rufous toned bird with a slightly darker belly band, much like the bottom bird 2nd from the right. I called it rufous because of the color, but perhaps it was a dark morph.
I'm looking forward to the next post. Thanks Jerry.
love you Jerry thanks for all you do....
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